5 Things You Need to Know About غَير

Thouria Benferhat
2 min readFeb 18, 2022


غَير will remind you of the verb غَيَّرَ, which means “to change”. It denotes “a change” and is commonly used in the following five ways:

1- You have probably seen it A LOT with adjectives, as in:

غَيرُ مُمكِنٍ = Not possible

غَيرُ صَحيحٍ ٍ = Not correct

2- With an adjective, after a negated verb, as in:

لَم يَكتُب غَيرَ رِسالةٍ واحِدةٍ =

He didn’t write except one letter, meaning he only wrote one letter

لا يُصاحِبُ غَيرَ المُثَقَّفينَ =

He doesn’t befriend except educated people, meaning he only befriends educated people

3- With a pronoun suffix (referring to a previous “understood” noun), as in:

لم أَرَ غَيرَها في الغُرفةِ =

I didn’t see (people, understood) other than her in the room, meaning I only saw her in the room

لَن أَزورَ غَيرَ مَدينةٍ واحِدَةٍ =

I will not visit (any cities, understood) except one city, meaning I will only visit one city

4- With a noun (referring to a previous “understood” noun), as in:

لَم يُقابِل غَيرَ وَزيرِ الدّاخِلِيّةِ =

He did not meet (anyone, understood) except the Interior Minister, meaning he only met the Interior Minister

ما شاهَدتُ غَيرَ فيلمٍ واحِدٍ =

I did not watch (any movies, understood) except one movie, meaning I only watched one movie

5- Followed by a noun, as in:

صافَحَ رجلا غَيرَ صَديقِهِ =

He shook hands with a man other than his friend

أَخَذَ كِتاباً غَيرَ كِتابِهِ =

He took a book other than his

